Phase 5 Feedsack
5 Rounds for Time
Run 200m
30/20 Feed Sack Lunges
10 Push Ups
Warm Up- leg swings, Jefferson Curl, Groiners. Skipping, Butt Kickers, Broad Jump, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fast High Knees 4x20.
20 Lunges, 10 feed sack lunges, 5-10 Push ups
100 Double Unders
then AMRAP
12 Feed Sack Good Morning
24 ½ V sit up
Warm Up- 50 single unders, 5-10-15-20 double unders or practice
10 jefferson curl, 10 roll to straddle, 10 groiners
10 feed sack good morning
2 Rounds For Time
400m Run
400m Feedsack Run
Warm Up- leg swings, Jefferson Curl, Groiners. Skipping, Butt Kickers, Broad Jump, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fast High Knees 4x20.
20:00 AMRAP
10 Feedsack Ground to Shoulder
10 Face the Feedsack Burpee
Warm Up- 5:00 General Cardio, 10 burpees
practice feed sack ground to shoulder and Face the Feedsack Burpees