Phase 5 - Dumbbell


5 Rounds for time

Run 200m

10 Dumbbell Snatch Right arm

10 Dumbbell Front Squat (both dumbbells)

10 Dumbbell Snatch Left arm

Warm Up- leg swings, Jefferson Curl, Groiners. Skipping, Butt Kickers, Broad Jump, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fast High Knees 4x20.

1 Dumbbell- 10 deadlift per arm, 10 snatch per arm

5 pause squats, 20 air squats

2 Dumbbell- 10 front squat



100 Bodyweight Lunges then, 


7 Devils Press (both dumbbells)

20 ½ V- Up

Warm UP- 5:00 General Cardio, 10 burpees

2x 10 Dumbbell Deadlift (both db’s), 10 dumbbell ground to overhead, 3 devil’s press

Breakdown of the Devil Press from our Street Parking movement library.Follow Street Parking at:Instagram: @streetparking Facebook:


DB Jon 

8 Rounds for Time

10 DB Front Squat

10 DB Shoulder to Overhead

10 DB Hops

1 Dumbbell, switch arms whenever you like

Warm Up- 5:00 general cardio

10 grouiners, 10 jefferson curl, 10 roll to straddle, 10 inch worms

5 pause squat, 20 air squat, 10 front squat

5 strict press per arm, 5 push press per arm, 5 push jerk per arm

practice hops over the dumbbell like you would over the barbell.


6 Rounds for Time

45 Double Unders

12 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch

Warm Up: 50 Single unders, 5-10-15-20 double unders

both dumbbells- 10 sumo deadlift, 2x10 double dumbbell swing, practice double dumbbell hang snatch (it will look like an american kettlebell swing)

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