Phase 5- Box


12:00 AMRAP

5 Box Handstand Push-Ups

10 Box Jump 30/20

15 Toes to Bar or V-Sit Up

Warm Up- 5:00 General Cardio

10 box step up, 10 box jump, 10 more box jumps building to your working height

5-10 box handstand push up- choose the hardest version for the workout, if you have a space for normal HSPU on the wall, you can do those.

for TTB- 10 scap pullups, 10 kips, 1-2-3-4 Toes to bar or hanging knee raise


For Time

100 Burpee Box step overs

Wear a weighted vest if you have one

Warm Up- 5:00 general cardio, practice burpee box step overs, set a clock, get after it!


24:00 EMOM

12 box pistol or tall box step-up

10 hand assisted hop over

Box March :30

Warm Up- 3x 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 abmat sit up

Practice each movement and choose appropriate scales


5 rounds for time

10 squat box jump

10 lateral skip overs

10 shoulder taps

Warm Up- 5:00 general cardio

5 pause squats, 10 air squats, 10 box step ups, 10 box jumps, 10 squat box jumps

learn and practice lateral step downs and shoulder taps