Barbell Phase 5
12:00 AMRAP
10 Deadlift
5 Split Jerk
30 Double Unders
Warm Up- 3x Jog 100m. 10 good morning. 5 Push-ups
Stretch Hamstrings. Jefferson Curl. Roll to Straddle
with the bar- deadlift 10, strict press 10, push press 10, push jerk 10, Build to a working weight in the split jerk, choose a weight you can always do 5!
5 rounds for time
10 power Snatch
20 floor press
30 AbMat sit ip
Warm Up- 5:00 general cardio, 20 squats, 5-10 push ups
3x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift, 5 Hang Muscle Snatch, 5 Behind the neck push press or jerk
Build to a working weight in the power snatch then practice the floor press
3 rounds for time
15 thrusters
12 Face the Bar Burpee
Warm Up- 10 Burpees
3x 10 Air Squats, 10 AbMat Sit up, 5 push up
3x 5 front squat, 5 push press, 5 thruster
take 20 reps to build to a working weight for the thruster
For Time
40 power cleans
40 front rack lunges
Split the work however you like
Warm Up- 5:00 general cardio, 20 squats,
Barbell- 10 good morning, 10 deadlift, 10 power clean
12 reps to build to a working weight for lunges and power clean.