Kettlebell 4.1

6  Rounds For Time

12 KB Deadlift, 9 Kettlebell Clean Right Arm, 6 Kettlebell Jerk Right Arm

12 KB Deadlift, 9 Kettlebell Clean Left Arm, 6 Kettlebell Jerk Right Arm

Warm Up. Jefferson Curl, Roll to Straddle, Groiners, PVC or Broomstick shoulder pass through

Kettlebell- 10 deadlift, 2x10 russian swings, 10 single arm swings on each arm, 10 Push Jerk on each arm

Practice Kettlebell Cleans- the hip hinge of the swing is the same. keep the kettlebell close. have the bell turn around your arm into place rather than up and over your fist. end with your entire forearm in contact with your chest, making a fist under your chin, with your elbow tucked tight to your body.

You may substitute kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull for cleans

Kettlebell 4.2 (KB 2.1)

5 Rounds for Time

Run 100m 

12 KB snatch right arm

Run 100m

12 KB snatch left arm

Warm Up. Jefferson Curl, Roll to Straddle, Groiners, PVC or Broomstick shoulder pass through

Kettlebell- 10 deadlift, 2x10 russian swings, 10 single arm swings on each arm. Practice Kettlebell Snatches.

You may substitute 15 Kettlebell Swings for Snatches

Kettlebell 4.3

Set a clock for 12:00 and get as many reps as possible

1:00 Kettlebell Swings 1:00 Kettlebell Lunges

2:00 KBS 2:00 KBL

3:00 KBS 3:00 KBL

Warm Up. 3x 5 push Ups, 10 Squats, 15 Sit Ups

Kettlebell- 10 deadlift, 2x10 Russian Swings, 2x10 American Swings

Kettlebell 4.5

20:00 AMRAP

1:00 Front Rack Hold

15 Burpees

1:00 Overhead Hold

30 Sit Ups (15 Toes to Bar or knee raises)

Warm Up. 7:00 General Cardio. Review the Kettlebell Front rack- see: 4.1

If you have a pull-up bar: Scap Pull Ups, kipping, Toes to Bar or hanging knee raise 1-2-3-4

You may switch arms for the holds whenever you like, but don’t count the time it isn’t being held in the correct place.