Feed Sack 4.1// Feed Sack 2.2
For Time
Run 400m w/ Feed Sack
50 Sit ups
Run 800m
50 Sit ups
Run 400m w/ Feed Sack
Warm Up: Measure and Jog about 400m. Skipping, Butt Kickers, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fig 4 Stretch, Quad Stretch, Fast High Knees, Heels and Toes.
Feed Sack 4.2
12:00 AMRAP
3 Feed Sack Thruster
3 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (normal Pull-ups, Feed Sack bent over Row)
6 Feed Sack Thruster
6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
+3 reps of each, every round until the end of 12:00
Warm Up- Groiners, 5 pause squats. Quad Stretch. Calf Stretch
3x 5 Push Ups, 10 Squats, 10 feed sack rows
If you have a pull-up bar: Scap Pull-Ups, Kipping, Pull-ups 1-2-3, Chest to Bar Pull-ups 2-3-4
Practice Feed Sack Thrusters! This will look differently for different people as to how they choose to hold the feed sack, so just preserve the principles of a Thruster: Full Squat- stand up and thrust the feed sack overhead without stopping on the way up, Finish the rep with the feed sack fully locked out overhead.
Feed Sack 4.3
30:00 Feed Sack walk for Distance (15:00 out, 15:00 Back)
Warm Up: Place the feed sack on your shouldersβ¦
Feed Sack 4.5
12:00 AMRAP
10 Feed Sack squat Jumps
10 Burpees
20 Feed Sack Lunges
20 Sit-Ups
Warm Up. 7:00 General Cardio. 5 Pause Squats, 20 Air Squats,10 Burpees
Practice Feed sack Squat Jumps: Full squat, stand up, small jump. The height is not important, only that your feet leave the ground.
Practice feed sack lunges: hold the feed sack anyway. Lunge forwards or backwards, but stand up fully to finish each rep.