Dumbbell 4.1

8 Rounds for Time-

16 Suitcase Deadlift

14 Dumbbell Hang Snatch

12 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead

10 Dumbbell Overhead Lunge

Alternate Hands each round

Warm Up- 7:00 General Cardio(Jog, Bike, Jump Rope, Row). 3x10 Dumbbell Deadlift, 10 Lunges, 5 Push Ups.

10 Broomstick or PVC Pass Through

10 Reps each Practicing the movements: scale the Overhead Lunge to a front rack lunge or even a body weight lunge

Dumbbell 4.2

For Time

25 Dumbbell Turkish Get Up

Run 1mile

25 Dumbbell Turkish Get Up

Warm Up: Leg Swings, Skipping, Butt Kickers, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fast High knees

3x 5 Burpees, 10 Sit Ups, 3 Inch-worms

Practice Turkish Get up

Dumbbell 4.3


10:00 AMRAP

10 Squats

9 Dumbbell Snatch Right Arm

10 Push Ups

9 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm

Warm Up: 7:00 General Cardio (Jog, Bike, Row, Jump Rope). 5 Pause Squats, 20 Air Squats.

10 Dumbbell Deadlift, 10 Dumbbell deadlift High Pull. 10 Dumbbell Snatch Per Arm. Don’t alternate

1-2-3-4 Push-Ups

Dumbbell 4.5


For Time

50 DB suitcase Deadlift

50 Sit Up

50 Box Step Up 24/20 (Lunges if you don’t have a box or something sturdy to step up to)

50 Single Arm DB Thrusters

Warm Up: 7:00 General Cardio. 5 Pause Squats. 20 Air Squats. 10 Push press per arm.

10 Front squats- 5 per arm, Practice Single Arm Thrusters. Check your old score and try to beat it!