Box 4.1
1000 Box step ups for time
Wear a weight vest or weighted pack if you have one
Warm Up. Stretch hip flexors or quads as needed. Find a good play list to listen to. Scale by splitting the work with a partner!
Box 4.2
5 Rounds for time
Run 400m
15 Box HSPU
Warm Up: Skipping, Butt Kickers, Caraeoca, Invisible hurdle walk, Figure 4 stretch, clappers, Fast high knees 4x20, heels and toes
Practice Box HSPU
20:00 AMRAP
10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
20 AbMat Sit Ups
Warm Up. 7:00 General Cardio (Jog, bike, jump rope) 10 box step up, 10 box jump 20/20, 5 box jump at working height.
Practice Burpee Box Jump Over: Face the box, do a burpee, jump on the box, step or jump down on the other side. Hint, the step up burpee lends itself to a great rhythm for a long workout like this one.
10 Rounds for Time
8 Box Jumps 30/24
16 Push-Ups
Warm Up. 7:00 General Cardio (Jog, bike, jump rope) 10 box step up, 10 box jump 20/20, 5 box jump 24/24, 5 box jump 30/24
Push Up 1-2-3-4
20:00 EMOM
Even Minutes- 1 Box Pirouette
Odd Minutes- 20 Box split Jumps
Warm Up: Jefferson Curl, Roll to Straddle, groiners, 6 inch-worm, 10 broomstick or pvs shoulder pass through
Learn and practice the movements, see: the videos
scale these movements so you have a little time to recover before the next minute.