Barbell Phase 4

Barbell 4.1- Compare to Barbell 2.1

3 Rounds for Time

25 Deadlift 185/125

25 Toes to Bar (knee raises or sit ups)

25 Face the Bar Burpee

Warm Up- 3x Jog 100m. 10 good morning. 5 Push-ups

Stretch Hamstrings. Jefferson Curl. Roll to Straddle

If you have a Pull-Up Bar: Scapula Pull-ups, kipping, 1-2-3-4 toes to bar or hanging knee raises.

Deadlift build to working weight 

Barbell 4.2

18:00 AMRAP

6:00 10 Strict Press 95/65. Run 300m

6:00 10 Push Press 95/65. Run 200m

6:00 10 Push Jerk 95/65. Run 100m

Warm Up- leg swings, Jefferson Curl, Groiners. Skipping, Butt Kickers, Broad Jump, Caraeoca, Clappers, Fast High Knees 4x20.

Stretch Front rack with Barbell. 6-10 Strict Press, 10 Push Press, 10 Push Jerk

With working weight 5 strict press, 10 Push Press, 15 Push Jerk.

Measure and mark your running distances!

Barbell 4.3

5 Rounds

12 Front Squat 95/65

15 Pull-Ups (barbell rows to scale, use the same weight)

Warm Up- 5 Pause Squat, Stretch Quads, 10 Air Squat, Stretch Calves 10 Air Squats

If you have a pull-up bar: Scap Pull-ups, kipping, 1-2-3-4 Pull-Ups

Barbell 4.5

For Time- 30 Squat Clean Thruster 115/85

Warm Up- 5 Pause Squat, Stretch Quads, 10 Air Squat, Stretch Calves 10 Air Squats

3x 5 Front Squat, 5 Push Press, 5 Thruster

2x 5 Squat clean

2x 5 Squat clean Thruster

Take 15 reps to build to your working weight. You should choose a weight that you can do at least 5-7 in a row.